"På Fuglsang" (2007)

fl, cl, bsn, arpa, pno, vl, vla, vlc/ Dur. ca. 10 min.
Skrevet til og uropført af Storstrøms Kammerensemble 15/10/07 på PLEX

Værkfortegnelse | Programnote | Score | In English

På Fuglsang - tre satser for Storstrøms kammerensemble

I På Slottet
II. I Haven
III. Stenen i Vinduet



    "På Fuglsang" er skrevet i forbindelse med min status som huskomponist 2006-08. Musikken er blevet til på baggrund af tegninger og digte af elever fra Nordbyskolen. Første sats' rokoko/klassikpræg skulle illudere de fine sale på fuglsang slot. Den mystiske anden sats tager sit udgangspunkt i havens store Tuja og dens troldeagtige rodnet, mens tredje sats cirkler om en sten i et vindue, som jeg kun kender fra elevernes tegninger. Men den har gjort indtryk på dem.
    SHN 2007


"At Birdsong Castle" (2007)

fl, cl, bsn, arpa, pno, vl, vla, vlc/ Dur. ca. 10 min.
Written for and premiered by Danish Chamber Players 15/10/07 at PLEX

Catalogue of Works | Programnote | Score

At Birdsong Castle - three movements for Danish Chamber Players

I At the Castle
II. In the Garden
III. The Stone in the Window


    "At Birdsong Castle" is based on poems and drawings of a schoolclass, who engaged in a project about Birdsong Castle, which is the residence of The Danish Chamberplayers. The three movements depict the interior of the Castle in it's first movement. Filled with old furniture and halls woth graet old mirrors you are back in the seventeenhundred-something. But still, you see this century from today. So things can get a bit blurred. Second movement takes us out in the misterious garden. Everything is following rules, yet it is rules obscure to the human ear. Third movement rotates and gets nowhere. It's the sound of a stoen. A stone in a window.
    SHN 2008


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