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"In the Dead of Night" (1997-99)
sax4-tet/ Dur. ca. 14 min./ Skrevet til og uropført af Copenhagen Saxophone 4-tet 16/09/01 i Mariendal Kirke/ EWH
Værkfortegnelse | Programnote | Score | Sound | In English
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In the Dead of Night - Prelude and Fugue
Klik på "sound" for at høre de første 10 sekunder af første sats samt fugaen i anden sats spillet af Rascher Sax 4-tet 02/03/03 i DR. Klik her for at høre Raschers værkintroduktion og kvarttonedemonstration
De to satser i "In the Dead of Night" repræsenterer i dynamisk fald fra tre F'er til P'er. Et urskrig udgør byggematerialet i præludiet, og en hvisken er hvad fugaen opstår af. I begge satser er der ekstensivt brug af kvarttoner. Både til at danne kontrollerede glissandi og til at bygge melodilinjer, f.eks. et fugatema, af. Kvartetten udgør samtidig en del af værket "While Angels Sleep" som udover denne kvartetdel har en til to slagtøjsspillere, samt værket "Mod Natten", som blot har et tilkomponeret klaver.
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"In the Dead of Night" (1997-99)
sax4-tet/ Dur. ca. 14 min. Written for and premiered by Copenhagen Saxophone 4-tet 16/09/01 in Mariendal Church/ EWH
Catalogue of Works | Programnote | Score | Sound
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In the Dead of Night - Prelude and Fugue
Toggle "sound" to hear the first 10 seconds of first movement and the fugue of second movement played by The Rascher Sax 4-tet from concert in the Danish National Radio 02/03/03.
Toggle here to hear workintroduktion and quartertone-demonstration by Rascher Sax 4-tet.
"In the Dead of Night" is basically a prelude and fugue. The Prelude contains a violent screaming music, while the Fugue rises out of practically nothing. Moving up to a climacs (only one P!) in the higest register of the soprano and altosaxophones. And hereafter it resolves and ends with a final four part statement. The very same music exists in versions with one-two percussionists (While Angels Sleep) and with piano (Towards the Night). SHN 2008
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